Judul : An Introduction to European History
Penulis : Daya Negri Wijaya
Jumlah Halaman : vii + 176
Ukuran Buku : 14 × 20 cm
ISBN : 978-623-8289-24-0
Harga : 70.000 (Harga Prapesan)
75.000 (Harga Normal)
Periode Pra Pesan : 24-30 Juli 2023.
This book aims to encourage the readers to consider the idea of Pancasila democracy. Pancasila democracy could be universally revisited by learning European history. In the age of Renaissance, the humanist could be seen from their desire to position as the centre of the world. They did not direct themselves for theological ignorance but for the new way to understand the religion. Interestingly, the French and English thinkers have indirectly reinforced the idea of modern democracy and how the values of Pancasila democracy run universally.
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